Pink Lollipop

Friday, March 30, 2012

leave me alone !

can you please stop calling me
im stress
im need a space,
just leave me alone..
dont text me dont call me
wait until im grad..
i cant give my love to u for u or anyone else
im not going to have any relationship for this year
not now.
im not ready to be girlfriend
i cant be good GF
stop care for me
i know u read this
just now.
i just need  
pls undestand me
if u  cant wait me, just find a new girl,
im not a good women for u.
im heartless
im sorry , sorry to say and write this.
i dont know how to explain this to u

*when im said im out of credit, i really mean it. i not credit my phone because i dnt hve money n i need to saving
*when im not answer your call mean i want to be alone , just leave me with my life
*im not goin lie to u or anyone just this time please 
understand me
thats all i ask u for now

***big sorry for u 

tanx reading ^^ if rajen buleh la like or comment yeh hehe (:

4 mesej cinta ^^:

Anonymous said...

Lofty bye, genial alternative other :)

Anonymous said...

Honourable bye, sweet alternative other :)

Anonymous said...

Honourable bye, sentimental chum :)

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