Pink Lollipop

Friday, January 13, 2012

hello GMi :)

it really long time im not updating my new post, 
have something happen to me and change me into somthing new , 
but i dont know if my frends notice that. 
i want to tell them but i dont know how,, its kind of embarrassing i guess
its no what i want to but like i said i have no choice ..

it been a month i think , really more stories i want to add on but i just make it short

-first my sister engagement ceremony
-2nd yeah im in hspital coz vomiting and high fever
-third i make change to my self
lastly im return back to GMi.

so , with all of that statement i just wanna say that lately im always out of mood --''

when im update this post i have no mood at all to writing ..
sorry if my grammar have lot of mistake 

                                          me n my sister engagement day :D

lorr the picture cant be rotate. HAHA :D  see how lazy i am errr
tanx reading ^^ if rajen buleh la like or comment yeh hehe (:

2 mesej cinta ^^:

Nana Farhanah said...

take care oh dear friend..may Allah make our paths easy, amin..

Jieha mohd said...

amiinn thanks my sweetnes :D