i dont know how to start but its like this starting january 2013 is worst ever i had face. urghhh
termination . its like killing you. yeah. im now waiting for the confirmation then i will go for the permanent,
the things i never thought happen when im really ready in commitment ., its like cutting your own neck.
all is from me because im the one who really critical in attendance. its about discipline. no matter how good your performance, or how you handle your work but once you had a problem with your timing. its going to be a big issues. hell yeah. im facing it right now.,
i just late woke up. and when im realise i really late and cant change anything, unless im really make up my mind. yeah. i dont want to quit this job because i really need it and enjoying all the envy there even it just in retail company.
the things become worst when. you already apply for the car loan, asb , and etc. its like i have a big commitment to settle up and suddenly you got the termination letter ! what the heck. arghhhh quite hard to face it because im doing all by my self. i never thought this thing become serious. all is because your ATTENDANCE. huwaaa :( im really sad when think about my future. i dont want to loose with my family, i want to prove them that i can succeed without them.
i met my manager, then discuss about this. because its something important, about my future or my periuk nasi. hurm...after discussed with my boss he suggest me to write appeal letter for the confirmation, and he try to fight my case. headache. migrain, cant sleep what else. all the feeling become one. i just blank because it not like what u plan.
i apply car, loan and etc because i know with my monthly salary i can pay them all. but if im been terminate how to pay lol. i become muflis in a junior age.
right now all of them try to help me. im just appreciate . seriously. im taking this thing serious. i dont want to be late and i dont want they terminate me because of attendance., shame me ==''
right now what im doing is waiting for the reply and keep doa that my appeal will be accepted. ya allah , i hope you really give this last chance to me and im not going to waste it. learn from lesson. really hope. and hope the answer is positive.
friends wish me luck i just hope this appeal accepted. really hope. amiinnnn
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