Pink Lollipop

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ways to suceeds>>

Moink MOink (:

wahh tough day, hurm i sleep front of my lappy and wake up also there. d magic words is im TIRED.

i have about 7 months left to complete my studies here. and now is a climax part or tough part whtever u call it.
now im doing research about my final year project.biodiesel project from jatropha seeds ~ quite hard actually.
today we need to submit our proposal n im still finding the info for my part.MAIGOD.
feasibility studies is not easy.u need to know whole the process n find the problem,comparison then need to simplify.grrrr >_<
i have setle down half or 80% of my part .hm maby i need to have talk wth someone really into this project.

next week on December 5th my presentation. oh hoping i can do it. just wish our project being approved by judgement.wish me luck guys ! (:
tanx reading ^^ if rajen buleh la like or comment yeh hehe (: